Organizations that apply the groundbreaking 3 Vital Questions® approach are discovering how to cut the hidden costs of workplace drama –– a cost which has now reached $ Billions worldwide.
The Big Idea
If you have ever experienced infighting, such as a team or a department pitting itself against another team or department; if you have ever worked for a micromanaging and overbearing boss; if you have ever navigated the changes that come with a merger or other significant restructuring process, then you have had a front-row seat to organizational drama.
At a minimum, workplace drama causes inefficiency, frustration, and waste. The personal costs to those who work in organizations is immeasurable.
What can 3 Vital Questions Offer Licensee?
We are looking for world class training partners to license and lead the 3 Vital Questions: Transforming Workplace Drama offerings beyond North America. We offer the following:
3-day “3 Vital Questions” Trainer Certification: which includes a comprehensive Facilitator’s Manual, 65-page Participant Guidebook, Learning Aide cards, and “Catchphrase” Card deck;
2-day workshop entitled “A Deeper Dive: Applying the 3 Vital Questions and The Power of TED* to Work and Life;”
8-Module E-course, which includes 20 short videos and 26-page downloadable workbook; and
David Emerald’s new book 3 Vital Questions: Transforming Workplace Drama (published March, 2019), and his bestselling book, The Power of TED* (*The Empowerment Dynamic).