ASA delivers transformational, evidence-based coaching, training and tools that leverage people’s character strengths in order to maximize their happiness and contributions- at work and in life. 

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The Big Idea

How can individuals discover their strengths and ignite their greatest potential? One way is to have it reflected back to them by someone who can see clearly what has been obscured by layers of non-constructive feedback, misguided efforts, or the wrong focus.  

Drawing on the best from the science of positive psychology and from over two decades of executive coaching experience, ASA has created a strengths coaching process and training products based on timeless, powerful principles that can transform a dedicated learner into a star performer.  We use evidence-based tools and products in all of our coaching and training engagements. Because of our science-based approach, we are better equipped to understand what truly motivates people to achieve their goals. Our careful study of what ignites star performance, and our practical experiences co-creating transformational change in the people we have served are the foundation of our offerings. 

Positive psychology research is showing that strengths coaching creates a more optimistic and solution-focused outlook in people. Appreciating and leveraging strengths, while creating a culture of mutual respect where people are empowered to make their unique contributions is key to engagement. Simply put, when you pay attention to the uniqueness in people, they are energized and motivated to bring their best selves to work. 

Many of us do not know how to identify our own strengths – much less someone else’s. Since so much attention is heaped on our weaknesses, we are often unaware of our strengths. Because we are wired to survive, human beings have tended to focus on what’s wrong (our and others’ weaknesses). But the time has come to re-wire our minds to thrive and to shift our focus to what’s strong (our strengths).  

Strengths coaching affirms our untapped potential rather than the limits of what we can do. The job of a strengths coach is to amplify, reflect and facilitate strengths, while generating strategies and solutions for the person being coached.  Amazing results await anyone who dares to push ego aside and lead from a genuine desire to discover and reach their potential. 

What Can ASA Licensees Offer?

Licensees can offer the following ASA workshops, which can be delivered in either a one-day or two-day workshop, or in a flexible, modularized format:

  • ASA Leader As Strengths Coach©

  • ASA Executive Coaching©

  • ASA Resilience©

  • ASA College/University Modules©

  • ASA Youth/Teens Modules©

Licensees can offer the following ASA assessments and reports:

  • ASA MindFit

  • ASA Change/Transition

  • ASA Resilience

Participants will learn to:

  • Coach Self/Others with the ASA Coaching Process Pyramid©

  • Explore Character Strengths for High Performance

  • Maximize Positive Leadership Strategies

  • Harness Authentic Motivation with the Motivation Grid©

  • Empower Goal Attainment with the STRONG Goals© Model

  • Leverage Positive Psychology and Neuroscience for Success

  • Promote Whole Life Balance

  • Build Resilience and Boost Confidence

  • Fuel Emotional Intelligence with Character Strengths

  • Develop Emotional Health through Mindfulness

  • Increase Flow and Creativity

  • Engage in Positive Practices

  • Facilitate STRONG Teams©