Disengaged employees are costing businesses over $1 Trillion globally in lost productivity. Shipley Coaching is attacking this tremendous leadership failure head on. Our 3-step Leadership Engagement Process trains leaders to engage with those they lead and provide them with the critical needs of being named, noticed, and known.

The big Idea

80% of global employees are disengaged at a cost of over $1 Trillion annually according to a recent Gallop Poll.

Do companies accept this staggering waste of human potential as the cost of doing business? At Shipley Coaching we don’t! And we have decided to attack this problem head on.

Years of data shows that 80% of a company’s results are generated by 20% of the workforce. Leaders know this top 20% by name, and they are working very hard. Additionally, leaders spend far too much time with the bottom 20% - the part of the workforce that is actively disengaged and causing a myriad of personnel issues.

What about the middle 60% - the group that is moving along but never fully engaged? The group that is costing companies billions in lost productivity.

What this group needs to move from disengaged to fully engaged is 3 critical things:

  1. To be Named

  2. To be Noticed

  3. To be Known

The bottom line is if leaders can fundamentally shift their thinking and learn to do these 3 things, they will significantly increase engagement and powerfully impact the effects of disengagement - lost productivity, turnover, and absenteeism.

The Shipley Leadership Engagement 3-step Emotional Intelligence (EQ) process facilitates this leadership paradigm shift.

  • In step 1 the EQ development process begins with an amazing self-awareness and self- management discovery and learning experience called Four Lenses.

  • In step 2, the Shipley framework trains leaders on several engagement and coaching models to increase the leader’s knowledge and further build their EQ awareness.

  • Finally in step 3, the training is reinforced by a 90-day, results focused coaching process.