Mastering the Art of Adherence

 The Big Idea

Why is it so difficult for us to stick with it and execute our plans? Execution is difficult primarily because:

  • Leaders are trained to plan rather than to execute.

  • Senior leadership tends to leave execution to lower-level leaders and team members and to review progress only periodically.

  • Execution requires more people than strategy formulation. Developing strategy is typically done by relatively few people, whereas execution is a team-wide or business-wide endeavor.

  • Execution requires more time than strategy formulation. Developing strategy is one action step; execution is a continuous, long-term process.

The world’s most admired companies know how to stick with it. Below is a comparison of total shareholder returns for these same companies versus the S&P 500

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In every time period, the world’s most admired companies outperformed not only the competition within their industry but also outperformed the overall market.  Additionally, over a 10-year period, their returns were 5x that of the S&P 500.

The difference between the world’s most admired companies and the rest of the pack is that they do the basics exceptionally well and they execute their strategies with excellence. These findings confirm that having a strategy is only one piece of a winning formula. 

Disciplined execution is the game-changer.  In fact, in a survey of 197 executives predicted that if they were to stick with it and become “very effective” at strategy execution, they would likely improve operating profits by an average of 30 percent over two years.

Win or lose?  You choose!

The game is won by those who adhere to their plans.  A good plan gets you in the game, but adhering to the plan propels you into the winner’s circle.  

Mastering the Art of Adherence makes the difference for world-class leaders and organizations.  Based on research and real-life experiences, the absolute highest-achieving people and teams apply this time-tested, field validated formula for winning:


When you consistently sharpen Focus, build Competence and ignite Passion, you plant the seeds of victory. 

Initially, you may not see tangible results, but rest assured growth is occurring under the surface. As you stick with it, momentum builds, creating a self-reinforcing cycle of victory.

Choose to WIN!


This fast-paced, high-impact program cuts through the clutter to deliver insights that participants can put to work immediately, including how to:

  •  Identify your One Thing.

  • Answer the Fundamental Four questions that all employees ask.

  • Apply the Yellow Car Phenomenon to sharpen your focus.

  • Boost your 3:1 ratio to ignite your team’s passion.

  • Keep a compelling score board to keep your team fully engaged.

  • Use your B.E.S.T. team to build your competence.

  • Boost accountability with specifics.

  • Create connections with team rituals.

What Can We Offer Licensees?

The Adherence Equation is a field-tested model that has been applied since 2003 in organizations including:

Abbot Laboratories - Allstate Insurance - Bank of America - Blue Cross Blue Shield  Bristol-Myers - Squibb  - Burlington Resources - Cardinal Health - Chili’s - Coors Brewing - Dollar General - Doubletree Hotels - Dow Chemical - Dreamworks  Duracell - E*Trade Financial - Enterpise Rent-a-Car - FedEx -– Hewlett Packard International Paper Company - U.S. Internal Revenue Service - MTV Networks  Nationwide Financial -  Nestle - Nordstrom - Panasonic - Pepsi - Pfizer - Pizza Hut  Proctor & Gamble - Progressive Insurance - Rubbermaid - Sam’s Club - Social Security Administration - State Farm Insurance - U.S. Postal Service - Wal-Mart Wells Fargo

This model is also supported by three books, including a best seller.

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 To ensure that you feel competence and confident, you will receive:

  1.  Train-the-trainer coaching directly from the creators.

  2. PDF file containing a master 57-page Participant Guide. It is inspiring and interactive to enhance learning.

  3. Detailed and professionally designed presentation deck with 118 slides equips you to confidently and competently present all the key points and insights. You can modify it to meet your client’s needs.

  4. PDF file containing a detailed Facilitator Guide. 

  5. Adherence self-assessment and score guide (hard copy and on-line versions provided).

  6. 12 tools/templates to help participants converts the Adherence concepts into daily actions.

  7. Detailed outline, process and supporting content to facilitate up to 12 monthly learning reinforcement discussions to sustain visibility and reinforce behavior change for leaders.

Pre, Post and Midpoint Assessments

These on-line assessments bring metrics to your adherence journey. Self-reporting data is blended with in-class observations and on-the-job changes to give you a glimpse of how well leaders are elevating their team execution.