Prevent burnout, boost engagement, and retain talent that loves their job. The Work Happiness Method™ teaches employees how to work happier and live better.

The big Idea

The Work Happiness Method™ training and coaching program teaches employees how to elevate their own engagement, meaning, happiness, and well-being using the latest studies and tools from positive psychology, neuroscience, and leadership research. Designed to re-ignite and retain employees from the inside-out, this takes the pressure off of leaders and empowers employees to own and lead their experience. When people are disengaged and burned out, it's natural to feel powerless and blame external forces such as their manager, pay, opportunities, work demands or culture.  But flourishing is ultimately an inside job that requires inner skills, skills that weren't taught in school. This program unlocks employee potential and accountability by teaching them how to:

  • Manage their thoughts and emotions

  • Develop healthy boundaries and amplify wellbeing

  • Communicate their needs effectively, peacefully, and empathetically

  • Clarify what they want and direct their career development

  • Create meaning and find purpose in their current role

  • Leverage their strengths in a meaningful way

  • Make decisions with confidence

  • Express their leadership point of view

By learning inner skills through simple, evidence based techniques, employees find themselves feeling more excited, energized, and engaged at work. In a world full of uncertainty, The Work Happiness Method™ helps employees feel more in control. On average we've seen levels of burnout decrease by 15%, engagement increase by 21%, career clarity increase by 30% within five weeks of doing this program.

WHAT CAN The Work Happiness Method OFFER LICENSEES?

Transformative workshops

Licensees will be able to offer five game changing modules which can be taught over two days, once a week for five weeks, or in a customizable format:

  1. Resilience: How to Manage Your Mind and Mood

  2. Clarity: How to Define Your Unique Definition of Success

  3. Purpose: How to Live Your Values Everyday

  4. Boundaries: How to Prevent Burnout and Better Manage Your Time and Relationships

  5. Courage: How to Ask For What You Need and Master Difficult Conversations


Licensees will be able to demonstrate program impact with before and after metrics.


Licensees will be able to supplement with group coaching or private coaching.

Virtual Offerings

Seamless virtual delivery options including dashboards to store recordings, worksheets, and prompt reminders.

Workbooks and Tools

Interactive workbook accompany each module with evidence based exercises and tools that include:
The 3C's Mindset Trap Release - to spot unconscious pitfalls that sabotage one's happiness and success

  • Complaint Vacation - to manage one's negativity bias

  • Learned Optimism - to quiet one's inner critic

  • Gratitude Gateway - to boost one's appreciation at work and in life

  • Mindfulness - to notice one's thought choices

  • Vision Generator - to clarify one's definition of success

  • Values Creator - to live one's purpose everyday by making conscious decisions

  • Values Accountability Questions - to track progress and develop a motivating feedback loop

  • The Boundaries Builder - to learn step-by-step where and how to create boundaries

  • The How-To-Say-No Guides - to respectfully guard one's time and energy

  • Non-Violent Communication - to master difficult conversations and ask for what one needs peacefully and empathetically

  • Self Care vs. Setf Soothing Matrix - to enhance wellbeing and energy in challenging times